How big can you print with 16mp camera (Panasonic GH3)? I am surprised!!

How big can you print with a 16mp camera (Panasonic GH3)??? Theoretically 16mp is ideal for print up to 24×36 inch or even smaller. I would perhaps never tell client to print over that size before. Until now one of my client print out the photo to huge size. It looks amazing. Yes, if you stand next to the image, you can see pixel. But just from normal view distance, it looks absolutely fine. Not to mention the image already done some cropping, it is not the entire 16mp frame.

Now I am pretty confident with my camera. Shoot with low ISO and add some sharpening in post, I have no problem to print it out to 4, 5 feet large. Now imagine if you have those 36mp DSLR, how large the print you can really push. Most time it is overkill though. But the more pixel is always better.



Sorry for the cellphone poor quality


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