Need a good motorized turntable for 360° video work

I am going to do my first ever paid video work next week. The client make lock.

One part of the production is about a 360° video of the product.

So I brought some cheap CFL bulbs, and a turntable on amazon. I need to do some practice at home prior to the actual work.


I use a cheap adapter to mount 4 bulbs together. I am using 45w bulb. so total can give me near 200w. This set up has its limitation. I could not mount softbox on it.

To have smooth turn is the key for this type of video. The turntable I bought is not good. I want to return it. but I really can not find good one online. or I should say I really do not know which one is a good one. I can not find turntable build for photography on amazon. The one I bought is basically a white lazy susan turntable. I just tape a rope on it, and drag the rope to turn the table. It has some texture on it. It does not turn smoothly. It even shake a bit when turn. It also make huge noise which is fine.

You can see from my video, it is not smooth. I saw those videos on youtube about how to make motorized turntable. I do not think I have that ability to make one. But I believe in order to achieve smooth turn, I need a motorized turntable. However I just can not find people selling one on amazon and ebay.

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