Seriously many restaurants’ photo are terrible

I have browsed a lot websites of restaurants. Most of them have terrible photos.

Seriously many restaurants have very elegant interior design, and delicious food. You spend a lot of money on interior design, but the photo you shows to public are bad. Same with food, you spend good amount of money to hire good chef. However you just find an amateur to take some snapshot of the food. I think it is not smart.

We are living in an era of imagery. There are so many restaurants in New York. How to attract people passing by to come to your restaurant? I think the photo is one of the powerful tool to leverage. Use great photo in both print and online purpose.

You do not need to spend a fortune to hire world famous photographer. There are plenty of great photographers out there who can excel the job. It is not really a lot of money to spend. Besides it is one time investment unless you change menu regularly.

Again I just feel sad. Many restaurants look amazing inside and the food are delicious  but there photos do not convince people in such way.

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