At a Chinese Singing Contest finale

Sep 08, 2013


Today I attended a pretty big Chinese singing contest final at Caesars Atlantic City. The official title of the show is called 2013 Supernova Singing Contest finale.

Indeed it is my first time attending this kind of show. It feel really good. I like the show. I know sing contest is very popular in China now. Many of them adapt the American TV show with Chinese feature to meet Chinese demand.

But there is not much this kind of show in America for Chinese society. I am not sure if this is the first time someone conduct a such event. I could see some singers are still relative amateur. But I am sure as they continues conducting this event every year, the quality will be better and better.

Nevertheless, the show itself is great. The stage, the lighting, the audio, the host and the judge all come together to present audience a very high quality professional show.

This is one of the very few times that I feel photo is not as powerful as video.

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