Coco Tea promotional video

This time I did a promotional video for the famous Taiwanese bubble tea brand – Coco Tea. The video is very simple. And it only took us 2-3 hours to finish the filming. The whole video was filmed with shoulder rig. That helps speed up the filming process. We only had three people for this projects. The owner of the Coco tea act like the director. I am the director of the photography and main cameraman. And an assistant for holding boom pole. Actually we end up not use the sound. So even the assistant was not needed for this project.

There is one technical improvement I could done. For the slow motion at beginning, you can see a lot of motion blur. I did not set shutter speed faster enough to eliminate any motion blur. I overlooked that jumping is a very fast motion. Need very high shutter to eliminate the motion blur. Anyway we always learned from our experience. so we can get better and better.

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