At Analogue bar

When there is no people, I always use bracketing for HDR photography. Obviously I could not use bracketing when there is people. It is dark indoor, most of my shot need more than 5 seconds. It is too long for people moving around which will cause blur. So HDR is not a good option.

For shot involve people, I just use single one exposure shot. But I need to lift shadow and do noise reduction a lot in post. It is not optimal. Perhaps you can not see much noise when the photo is so small. Consider my Canon 7d sensor is really behind now. It produce a lot of noise when lift shadows.

I like use Nik Software HDR Efex Pro for creating realistic HDR photography. It use very simple and automatic process to achieve realistic HDR effect. For interior photography, we do not prefer those fake, dramatic kind of HDR effect. We want realistic. We basically just want to expand the dynamic range.

IMG_3468_HDR IMG_3589 as Smart Object-1 IMG_3673_HDR IMG_3689_HDR IMG_3770_HDR IMG_3794 IMG_3940 IMG_3943

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