Food photoshoot for a Chinese restaurant



It is a Chinese restaurant called Ke Zhang 有家客棧 that located at Flushing, NY. They have been opened for 3 months so far. I did a photoshoot for them 3 months ago. Now they added some new dishes. so they want me to do a photoshoot again.

This one is the main signature food they want to promote this time. I am not sure what is the right translation. I think I could translate it to spicy salty frog…

IMG_4760 as Smart Object-1 IMG_4766 as Smart Object-1

There are 7 more dishes. You can see that these dishes all share the same theme: spicy. I think winter is coming, so they added many spicy dishes. People love eating spicy food in the winter.

IMG_4737 IMG_4665_1 IMG_4659 IMG_4636 IMG_4742 IMG_4785_1 IMG_4631

OMG, I am hungry as I post these photos….I need to go grab some food.

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