I like this candid shot I did.

I was attending a Chinese show at Caesars Atlantic City yesterday. When I was walking in the hotel, I saw this view. I took a photo immediately. I had a vision that this will be a romantic image.


Does it feel romantic? I believe so..

But the original photo does not feel this dramatic.


It was around 7pm. It is still very bright during summer time. This photo will be more dramatic if it is taken at later time around sunset.

I used Nik color efex pro 4 to achieve that look. This is my favorite photoshop plug-in. I also did some simple dodge and burn in photoshop.

Lastly I like taking candid shot even though I always feel nervous. I always think what if people notice that I am taking picture of them. What will happen. haha but I like this feeling of being nervous. It makes me more concentrated. I can say I feel thrilled.

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