I really wish I can have a big house as home studio

I really wish I can own a big house so I can build a big home studio for my photography.

I live in a apartment. I sleep in the living room. Even though the living room is relatively big, but after some furniture, it has limited space left.

Around 3 month ago, I tried to build a small home studio for practice product photography. I lay all my photography gears on the floor, sofa, desk, everywhere.


It is really a mess. Many times I will stumble. The space is just too small for set up everything. And it is really a hassle to move things around. My mom just got mad seeing me put so many stuffs in the living room. Therefore I need to wrap up these equipments after I use them.

I end up feeling irritated. Everytime I want to practice shooting something, it takes so much joy off by set up these things and later remove them.

Also one big things is that I have pretty serious dust allergy. Once the place got a bit dirty, my allergy will start give me big pain.

Therefore I currently removed most of the stuffs. I dissembled my shooting table. I clean up the floor. I just feel it is not practical to practice product photography in such place.

Right now I do not have regular job and income. It is not possible for me to rent a studio. Many times I miss my home in China. My family has two big apartments in China. I can definitely make my home studio in China. My dream studio for professional product photography.

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