April 25, 2023

10 Inspiring Quotes to Accompany Your Instagram Photos

Instagram has become an important part of our lives. We use it to share our photos and videos with friends and family, but it’s also a great platform to inspire others with our words. What better way to show your followers that you’re a thoughtful person than to attach a quote to your post? Here are some inspiring sayings that are perfect for Instagram.

1. “What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.”

This quote, attributed to Ralph Marston, is a great reminder that we should always strive to better ourselves. Each day is a new opportunity, and we should make the most of it. This quote is great for photos that feature motivation, such as an image of someone running or lifting weights.

2. “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

This quote, attributed to Vivian Greene, is a great way to show your followers that you’re a positive person. It’s a reminder that, even when faced with difficult obstacles, life can still be enjoyed. This quote is perfect for a photo of someone smiling in the rain, or a photo of someone enjoying a stormy day.

3. “Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.”

This quote, attributed to Unknown, is a great way to remind your followers to stay calm and trust that things will work out in the end. This quote is particularly fitting for photos of people relaxing in nature, or taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

4. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

This quote, attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt, is a great reminder that you should always strive to pursue your dreams. This quote is perfect for photos of people engaged in activities that are in pursuit of their dreams, such as playing an instrument, studying for a test, or working on a project.

5. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

This quote, attributed to Abraham Lincoln, is a great reminder that our future begins with us. We have the power to create the future we want, and this quote is perfect for photos that show someone taking action to make their dreams a reality.

6. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

This quote, attributed to Steve Jobs, is a great reminder that passion is the key to success. This quote is perfect for photos of people engaged in activities that they love, such as a musician playing an instrument, a painter painting a picture, or a baker baking a cake.

7. “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”

This quote, attributed to Albert Einstein, is a great reminder that our happiness should come from within. This quote is perfect for photos of people pursuing their goals, such as a student studying for an exam, a runner training for a race, or a businessperson working on a project.

8. “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.”

This quote, attributed to Jordan Belfort, is a great reminder that our minds can be our biggest obstacle. This quote is perfect for photos of people overcoming their own mental barriers, such as a mountain climber conquering a peak, or a dancer performing a difficult routine.

9. “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

This quote, attributed to Mark Twain, is a great reminder that success begins with action. This quote is perfect for photos of people taking the first steps towards their goals, such as a job seeker looking through job postings, or an entrepreneur starting a business.

10. “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.”

This quote, attributed to Paul Valery, is a great reminder that we have to take action in order to make our dreams a reality. This quote is perfect for photos of people who are taking action to make their dreams come true, such as a job seeker attending an interview, or an artist working on a piece of art.

Creative and Fun Captions to Make Your Instagram Photos Stand Out

Posting photos on Instagram can be a great way to share your life with the world. However, if you want your photos to stand out from the rest, you need to include a creative and fun caption. Captions can help tell your story, add context to your images, and make your photos more memorable. Here are some tips for writing captions that will make your Instagram photos stand out.

Be Funny and Creative

When it comes to writing captions for Instagram, it’s important to be creative and funny. If you can make your readers laugh, you’ll be sure to capture their attention. Try adding a witty one-liner or a pun to your photo. You can also incorporate funny quotes or make up your own jokes. Just make sure that your humor is appropriate for the context of the photo.

Choose Appropriate Sayings

When it comes to captions, it’s important to choose sayings that are relevant to the photo. For example, if you’re posting a photo of yourself and your friends at the beach, you could use a quote about friendship or a tropical saying. If you’re posting a photo of a sunset, you could use a quote about beauty or a saying about the power of nature. Choosing sayings that are appropriate for the photo will help make your captions more meaningful.

Include Hashtags

Adding hashtags to your captions can help your photos get more exposure on Instagram. When you include hashtags, you’re making it easier for other users to find and like your photos. Hashtags can also help you connect with other Instagram users who share similar interests. Just make sure that you don’t go overboard with hashtags. Too many hashtags can look spammy and can make your captions look cluttered.

Ask Questions

Asking questions in your captions can be a great way to engage your followers. Ask your followers to share their thoughts on the photo or ask them for their advice. This can help to create a conversation and can make your captions more interactive. Just make sure that you don’t ask too many questions or your captions may look overwhelming.

Be Inspirational

Inspirational quotes can be a great way to make your captions stand out. Choose quotes that are meaningful and relevant to the photo. This can help to add more depth to your captions and can make your photos more memorable. Just make sure to attribute the quote to the correct author and provide a link to the source if possible.

Keep It Short and Sweet

When it comes to captions, less is often more. Keep your captions short and sweet to ensure that they are easy to read. This can help to make your captions more impactful and can help to make your photos stand out. Try to limit your captions to two or three sentences at most.

How to Choose the Perfect Quote for Your Instagram Photos

When it comes to expressing yourself through Instagram photos, adding a quote can give your post a bit of extra personality. Whether you’re looking for a funny saying, a motivational phrase, or something else, choosing the right quote can be a challenge. Here are some helpful tips for finding the perfect quote for your Instagram photos.


When you’re trying to decide what to post, it’s helpful to start by brainstorming ideas. Think about the kind of quote you’re looking for and jot down some potential words or phrases that could fit the bill. If you’re feeling stuck, you can also look to others for inspiration. Search social media and the internet for quotes you like, and use these as a starting point for creating your own.

Find Your Voice

Your Instagram posts should reflect your unique personality, so it’s important to find a quote that speaks to you. If a quote doesn’t feel true to you, it’s not the right one. When you’re looking for a quote, consider what it is you want to express, and look for a phrase that resonates with your own voice.

Keep It Short and Sweet

Social media posts should be brief and to the point. It’s best to keep your quote short so your followers can quickly understand the message. Aim for a phrase that is under 40 words and still conveys your meaning.

Pick the Right Font

Once you’ve found the perfect quote for your post, think about how you will present it. You can use a variety of fonts to give your quote an eye-catching look. Consider fonts that match the tone of your quote, such as a script font for a romantic quote, or a bold font for a more serious phrase.

Don’t Overthink It

When it comes to finding the right quote, don’t let yourself get too bogged down in the details. Remember that the most important thing is that your quote speaks to you and resonates with your followers. Keep it simple and don’t worry too much about making it perfect.

The Best Sayings for Your Instagram Photos to Capture Your Moment

Capturing your moment with the perfect picture and saying is the key to having an impactful post on Instagram. We’ve compiled some of the best sayings to go with your Instagram photos to make sure that your post stands out.

Be Positive

A positive saying can go a long way when you’re looking to make a statement. Saying something uplifting and encouraging will surely be noticed and appreciated. Here are some positive sayings that you can use:

  • “You can do anything you set your mind to.”
  • “Live the life you’ve imagined.”
  • “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
  • “It’s never too late to start something new.”
  • “Today is a new day and a new opportunity.”

Be Inspirational

Sometimes we need a little inspiration to get us through the day. Having an inspirational saying in your post can give others the motivation they need to keep going. Here are some inspirational sayings to use:

  • “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
  • “Focus on your goals and let go of the rest.”
  • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
  • “Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams.”
  • “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”

Be Funny

A funny saying can lighten the mood and make your post more memorable. Here are some funny and witty sayings to use:

  • “I’m not lazy, I’m just on my energy-saving mode.”
  • “I’m not arguing, I’m simply explaining why I’m right.”
  • “Life is too short. Don’t waste it reading my status updates.”
  • “Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.”
  • “The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets.”

Whatever saying you choose to go with your Instagram post, make sure it’s something that resonates with you and that you truly believe in. When you’re passionate about what you’re saying, it will show in your post and your followers will definitely appreciate it.