One videographer can still do a lot.

I was shooting a video for a flash mob. This video is produced solely by me. It might looks like there are 2 or 3 videographers shooting it. I have total 14 camera angles to edit with. I have wide shot, close up shots and even shots of people’s reaction on the street. I captured everything I think needed for a complete flash mob video. Take a look.

This is when I edited it in premiere pro. First time to edit a video that has so many camera angles. It needs a lot of patience.


Hope you get some inspiration. If we want to have multi-cam effect. Try to shoot the same things over and over. So each time have different angle and frames. So when you edit you can make it feel like you shoot it with multi-cam. Of course if we have budget, we can have 2-3 camera operators, so that will be easier. or add more motion such as jib, steady cam.

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