I do not want to purchase camera gears from non-US seller at ebay anymore

I no longer will buy any camera gears from non-US seller at ebay. I am really irritated now.

I have several bad experience now. I have bought three lens from three different Japanese sellers. One of the lens come have haze inside resulting in poor image quality. But on description it says no haze. It was a cheap old vintage lens. Not worth to ship back.

One brand new lens came has some problem with the image stabilization. I ask for refund and returned it. But the shipping cost around $40. I lose both time and money.

Only one lens is satisfied. So three transactions, two are not good experience. Good thing about Japanese sellers is that the item arrive pretty fast, always within one week. Since shipping fee were all free. I was expecting over two weeks shipping.

Now about Chinese sellers. First the shipping time from Chinese seller always takes very long. They pretty much all need two to three weeks. I did not purchase any large value item from Chinese seller. I bought a lot small accessories such as lens hood, adapter and so on. About two three times the items came damaged. They were nice to offer free replacement. If I am not in hurry to use the item, that is fine. However what if I need to use the item. Recently I ordered a lens adapter. I ordered on 9th. Today is 22th and it arrived at different state and address. What??? Are you kidding me. I waited two weeks and you tell me you wrote my address wrong. I really want to use it on a job on 27th…Now I can not. Even if I order another one from US seller now, it is still a bit risky.

I hate it. From now on I will try only choose US seller even if they charge a bit more on same item. It save time and if anything happen, it is a lot easier and faster to deal with the issue.

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