Happy hour by Cloud 9 at Ichiumi Lounge

August 8, 2013


I was invited by my previous coworker Peggy to a happy hour party at Ichiumi Lounge. She is a promoter at Cloud 9 Network now.


I am not a drinking guy. but I would go if I am invited as a photographer.

The atmosphere is great for happy hour party.

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I took around 100 photo for about 2 hours that night.

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Some people were dancing around. That was cool. I like action. I got more excited when take picture of action. That add more energy to a party.

044-IMG_9433 045-IMG_9434 090-IMG_9442 (1) 095-IMG_9445 (1) 100-IMG_9450 (1)For me nothing was more excited than met another two previous coworker. They are Silvia and Cecilia. They were invited by Peggy too. I had great time working with them. Glad to see them. but too bad we did not really have chance to talk……..-_-…..

Silvia on the right always has great smile in my photo. It makes me wonder did she practice smile at home?? Haha…On the contrary, Cecilia always look a bit stiff in front of my camera.


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