IMG_4842 as Smart Object-1

Evelyn’s wedding

I did this wedding two weeks ago. It is for my previous coworker. It is not a huge wedding. About 50 total people attended. The wedding took place at Per Se which is super close to central park. I have over 300 photos delivered to client. They love these photos.   Anything shot indoor were with my…


At Analogue bar

When there is no people, I always use bracketing for HDR photography. Obviously I could not use bracketing when there is people. It is dark indoor, most of my shot need more than 5 seconds. It is too long for people moving around which will cause blur. So HDR is not a good option. For shot…

Big and painful lesson learned

This was an terrible experience for me. I took long time to get over this bad experience. I was asked to do a promotional video for a restaurant back in January. The owner said it is for showing to investor. So I spend 2 nights shooting and 2 days editing. I was editing it together with the manager of the restaurant.…